CE Vice President of Sales
How Many Years in the Industry
How Many Years with Hyundai
Skill Set - Specific Experience
Michael is a West Point graduate who came to Hyundai with 23 years of industry experience that spans retail sales, regional sales management, national account administration, product support, and overseeing the entire sales operation. Mike resides in Buford, GA with his wife Cheryl and two children.
"I am very proud to be joining HCEA in this role. I look forward to supporting our strong dealer network."
CE Vice President of Sales
How Many Years in the Industry
How Many Years with Hyundai
Skill Set - Specific Experience
Michael is a West Point graduate who came to Hyundai with 23 years of industry experience that spans retail sales, regional sales management, national account administration, product support, and overseeing the entire sales operation. Mike resides in Buford, GA with his wife Cheryl and two children.
"I am very proud to be joining HCEA in this role. I look forward to supporting our strong dealer network."